Optimising employee efficiency is a process

Optimising employee efficiency

When you have staff working for you, you need to be able to trust them to put their best foot forward at all times. This is important for your business’s reputation, for its operational efficiency and for the outcome enjoyed by your customers. Let’s explore optimising employee efficiency…

Ensuring your team is as effective as possible in their roles is crucial regardless of whether your business is pest management, building inspections, commercial cleaning, garden maintenance, or you offer some other type of property services.

But how do you check the work of your employees and their ability to do the job? Answer: be present, be aware and be responsive.

Meet and observe regularly

One good idea is to take some hours every 6-12 months to shadow them in their daily activities, both on the road and in the office. Position this as an opportunity for them to provide you with feedback on ways to improve your systems, process and approaches to various situations they come across.

This way you will gain insights from your own on-the-job observations and they will feel they have an opportunity to contribute to business improvements.

Take time to hold work in progress meetings. These don’t need to be formal but they do need to be regular. It will not only hold your employee accountable to positive results, it will show you care about the work on their plate.

As most of us realise, an engaged employee is a more loyal employee. And that can only be a good thing for your revenue.

Track results

Other avenues that will assist you in determining the impression your employees make on your most important business stakeholders are:

  • Positive customer feedback
  • Customer complaints
  • Call back or service calls
  • Referrals from customers and other business contacts

Keep an eye on the balance of positive to negative and be quick to fix problems.
If any member of your team (even you) is not performing as well as expected it may be they lack capability in some aspect of the day to day tasks most of us take for granted.

Only by looking deeper into their activities will you gain the insights you need to help them improve in their job. Before you know it, optimising employee efficiency will happen seamlessly and continuously.

Also remember that having the right business insurance helps you mitigate the risks involved with putting your business in your employees’ hands. Take the time to critically examine your business operations and make sure you’re well protected in every way.

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